"Example for" vs. "Example of" - English Language Learners Stack …
Sep 28, 2023 · "Example of" is used when describing the category or concept being illustrated by the example. "Beer is an example of an alcoholic beverage" means that beer is one alcoholic beverage out of several possibilities. "Example for" is used to indicate who or what will be shown the example. "I drew this picture of a lobster as an example for my ...
“Example of” or “example on”? - English Language Learners Stack ...
What would be the best way to write this sentence: This is an example for Steven on how the address would be shown in the popup. This is an example for Steven of how the address would be show...
Why is 'for examples' wrong? - English Language Learners Stack …
Oct 5, 2016 · if you're going to give plural examples, examples include: "examples include A, B, C" or "with examples being A, B, C" or "some examples are A, B, C". You hear those forms all the time - it's totally normal. In contrast, if you are going to give one example, obviously you have to use a singular. –
Can we use "for example" when we want to give two or three …
(emphasis added), it gives a plural case as an example: A lot of my friends were there—John and Linda, for example. At least by the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary, both "for example" (as an idiom) and "for examples" (direct use of the countable noun) should be …
For "another" example - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jun 16, 2020 · "For example" is used before mentioning an example: Many countries, for example Japan and Mexico, has a lot of earthquakes. To mention other examples you may say "As another example, balah blah.." For example, blah blah blah... As another example, blah blah...
american english - For example VS for an example - English …
For an example of how to clean silver coins, refer to this book. Note that the phrase "for an example" here is used differently than "for example" in the previous sentence. Instead of specifically providing an example, the speaker is only telling people where they can find that example. And, in such a case, you should definitely use the "an ...
When to use *To - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jan 30, 2019 · Please explain considering my below examples. Example 1 . a) They made the child drink the milk. b) They make the child to drink the milk. Example 2. a) He asked her to marry him. b) He asked her marry him. Example 3. a) She makes her children learn their lessons everyday. b) She makes her children to learn their lessons everyday
Usage of 'As an example' - English Language Learners Stack …
May 28, 2017 · As examples . is correct, if a=3 and a=5 produces two different outcomes, each will be an example. For example. can be used as a general introduction to what the examples will be. For example, he not only runs but he can also skate. As examples of his athletic prowess, be can also run and skate.
What is the difference between 'detail' and 'example'?
For example: The cat is white. It has a brown collar and a long furry tail. An example is something that explains the point you are making in real life. In your sentence, if you took away for example it would still be an example. You say: “Because I like furious scenes and I think it would be so much intensive that would attract me during the ...
word choice - "an example of use" OR "an example of usage"
Here's an example of use Is not correct, because "use" by itself is an action (verb), not a thing (noun). (It should probably be noted that there is a sense where "use" can be a noun, in the sense of "a use for something", but this is only really ever used with the "for something" part on the end, and is not really the sense of "use" you're ...