DemOn | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
In preparation for the initial release of DemOn, we issued a series of informative emails to all ringers and nest recorders. These provide a general overview of DemOn, along with a brief introduction to the functionality (existing and future) of the system.
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© British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU
Birds of Conservation Concern | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
Golden Oriole (previously Red-listed but which has not bred in the UK since 2009) now joins a Black List of eight other species now considered to have ceased breeding in the UK (including Serin, Temminck’s Stint and the once widespread Wryneck).. Four new species that have more recently become sufficiently established, as well as Yellow-browed Warbler (no longer considered a scarce migrant ...
LITTLE OWL NEST BOX The Little Owl is a species of open country, favouring lowland habitats such as farmland, parkland and orchards. Introduced from the Continent during the latter part of the 19th century, the species can be
Make a nest box | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
In-depth information for making nest boxes. If you want to know more, try our in-depth book Nest Boxes: Your Complete Guide.Written by Dave Cromack and drawing on BTO expertise, this new book provides the perfect guide to building, erecting …
Quail Stone-curlew Tawny owl Whooper swan Oystercatcher Osprey Brent goose Avocet Honey-buzzard Barnacle goose Black-winged stilt na Marsh harrier Greylag goose Grey plover Sparrowhawk g Bean goose Bar-tailed godwit White-tailed eagle r …
ROBIN NEST BOX – CUTTING PLAN. FRONT ROOF. BACK SIDE. SIDE BASE. 150 300. 200 120. 200 175. Robin . Erithacus rubecula. Clutch size: 4–5 eggs Incubation: 13–14 days
Brent Goose | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
Brent Geese were recorded in winter from almost the entire coastline of Britain & Ireland, except for north and west Scotland. This overall distribution conceals separate patterns for birds from three different breeding populations.
BLUE TIT NEST BOX The Blue Tit is a familiar species that makes ready use of nest boxes placed within gardens, parks and woodland sites. A standard, small hole-fronted nest box, with an entrance hole of 25 mm diameter,
Identification | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
Event Raptor ID (2 sessions, Wednesdays 7pm) The training will consist of two weekly online sessions of about 2 hours each, complemented by supported self-study exercises which will be provided after each session.