With input from over 8,500 action takers in the OpenMedia community, our submission to the Government of Canada’s recent consultations on the right to repair highlights the strong demand for affordable, repairable devices and their importance to Canadian consumers.
Campaign Pillar Outcome to Date Links; Bill C-11: Our fight to defend #MyChoice and fix Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act. Free Expression: Since December 2020, OpenMedia community members sent over 200,000 messages to our MPs, Senators, and the Department of Canadian Heritage, calling on them to protect user content and respect our online choices in Bill C-11 and its 2020 predecessor, Bill ...
About OpenMedia - OpenMedia
Our Mission: OpenMedia is a community-driven organization that works for an open, affordable, and surveillance-free Internet. We're a civic engagement platform that educates, engages, and empowers Internet users to advance digital rights across North America.
Explaining Bill C-63, The Online Harms Act: An OpenMedia FAQ
Explaining Bill C-63, The Online Harms Act: An OpenMedia FAQ. The good, the bad, and what must be fixed in Bill C-63. In development since 2021, Canada’s Online Harms Act has now been introduced as Bill C-63 in the House of Commons - and it’s a hugely mixed bag. There’s some huge wins for OpenMedia’s community in this version of …
The Latest - OpenMedia
Millions of Canadians' data flow through the U.S. every day when it could stay safely within our own borders. Urge your MP to pass strong data localization laws and #KeepOurDataHome. OpenMedia’s recent survey showed our members love Canadian Content as storytelling that reflects Canada’s people ...
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What’s wrong with Bill C-11? An FAQ - OpenMedia
Apr 27, 2023 · OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.
#FreeTheFeed | Stop Bill C-11 - OpenMedia
We don’t have to tell you: the Internet is not a one-way broadcast signal. But Online Streaming Act Bill C-11 continues Bill C-10’s mistakes by treating the entire web like a 1980s television or radio, with the CRTC in charge of it all.
Defending Free Expression at the Supreme Court - OpenMedia
OpenMedia is intervening at the Supreme Court of Canada to defend free expression on the Internet. This case will have a global impact: although it’s being heard in Canada, its outcome will impact the ability of Internet users across the world to access information and express themselves freely.. Why is OpenMedia intervening in this case?
Frequently Asked Questions - OpenMedia
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.
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