Montpellier.fr : site de la Mairie de Montpellier dans l'Herault ...
Portail de la Ville de Montpellier : des informations pratiques pour découvrir et vivre à Montpellier, faire ses démarches, tout connaître de la Mairie et ses actions
Montpellier, a haven for contemporary architecture, is developing a series of exceptional, innovative architecture projects within its borders to project its cultural, European and Mediterranean identity across the world.
Montpellier offers its residents and visitors architectural experiences with ever-greater originality, improving their quality of life and residential comfort, emphasising respect for the environment and promoting the city as a prestigious urban destination. Founded in 985 CE, and highly attractive to young people (75,000 students), Montpellier
As part of the partnership with Louisville, Kentucky, USA, Montpellier offers its students to discover its sister city during the summer break and to gain work experience in an American company.
More information : zoo.montpellier.fr Counting on your cooperation to respect the safety instructions, we wish you a pleasant stroll in one of Montpellier’s largest greenery! This exceptional natural heritage is nonetheless fragile due to its exposure to fire risk. It is everyone’s responsibility to respect the
Musée Fabre of Montpellier, as well as supporting and promoting all forms of visual art. To achieve this, the AMF plays an active role on behalf of the Museum, in the dynamic cultural scene of Montpellier and its region. The AMF is not only for art lovers, but also for those who want to learn more about art and seek to find pleasure in ...
FOR ANY INFORMATION - TOWN OF MONTPELLIER RELATIONS WITH USERS, INHABITANTS AND CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Civil Registry Department - Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) 1, place Georges Freche - 34267 Montpellier Cedex 2 Ph. +33(0) 467 347 079 Physical and telephone reception : Mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays and fridays from …
Hôtel de Ville - Mairie de Montpellier
34267 Montpellier Cedex 2. pruhec@montpellier.fr. Serveur vocal : 04 67 34 71 23. Horaires : Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30. Le jeudi de 10h à 19h. Interruption des prestations 15 min avant l'heure de fermeture. Accès. Tramway : ligne 1, ligne 3, station Moularès-Hôtel de Ville. ligne 4, station Georges Frêche. Listes des ...
Marché de Noël 2024 : rendez-vous dans les Jardins du Peyrou, du …
Nov 20, 2024 · Montpellier continuera de célébrer la magie de Noël, en s’illuminant à partir du mardi 26 novembre et jusqu’au dimanche 5 janvier 2025. Cœur de Ville en Lumières 2024, un événement phare auquel les Montpelliérains se sont majoritairement rendus en …
Montpellier city is engaged in a sustainable development policy. In this context, the Lunaret park and its zoo are preserving endangered species, both animal and vegetal.