Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances - Overview | OSHA.gov ...
What are chemical hazards and toxic substances? Chemical hazards and toxic substances pose a wide range of health hazards (such as irritation, sensitization, and carcinogenicity) and physical hazards (such as flammability, corrosion, and explosibility).
Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances - Standards | OSHA.gov ...
Chemical hazards and toxic substances are addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry, maritime, and construction. This section highlights OSHA standards and documents related to chemical hazards and toxic substances.
Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances - Hazard Recognition
Provides a series of summaries and answers to frequently asked questions about contaminants found at hazardous waste sites and hazardous substances excerpted from ATSDR's Toxicological Profiles and Public Health Statements.
1910 Subpart Z - Toxic and Hazardous Substances | Occupational …
All of subpart Z issued under 29 U.S.C. 655(b), except those substances that have exposure limits listed in Tables Z-1, Z-2, and Z-3 of §1910.1000. The latter were issued under 29 U.S.C. 655(a).
1926 Subpart Z - Toxic and Hazardous Substances | Occupational …
Toxic and Hazardous Substances; Standard Number: 1926 Subpart Z Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances; Appendix: A. GPO Source: e-CFR. AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3704; 29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657; and Secretary of Labor's Order No. 12-71 (36 FR 8754), 8-76 (41 FR 25059), 9-83 (48 FR 35736), 1-90 (55 FR 9033), 6-96 (62 FR 111), 3-2000 (65 FR 50017), 5 ...
1910.1000 TABLE Z-2 - Occupational Safety and Health …
a This standard applies to the industry segments exempt from the 1 ppm 8-hour TWA and 5 ppm STEL of the benzene standard at 1910.1028.. b This standard applies to any operations or sectors for which the Cadmium standard, 1910.1027, is stayed or otherwise not in effect.. c This standard applies to any operations or sectors for which the exposure limit in the Chromium (VI) standard, §1910.1026 ...
1910 | OSHA.gov | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
1910 Subpart Z - Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1910.1000 - Air contaminants. 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1 - TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants. 1910.1000 TABLE Z-2 - TABLE Z-2. 1910.1000 TABLE Z-3 - TABLE Z-3 Mineral Dusts 1910.1001 - Asbestos.
1910.1000 TABLE Z-1 - TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants ...
(f) All inert or nuisance dusts, whether mineral, inorganic, or organic, not listed specifically by substance name are covered by the Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated (PNOR) limit which is the same as the inert or nuisance dust limit of Table Z-3.
1910.1000 - Air contaminants. | Occupational Safety and Health ...
During an 8-hour work shift, an employee may be exposed to a concentration of Substance A (with a 10 ppm TWA, 25 ppm ceiling and 50 ppm peak) above 25 ppm (but never above 50 ppm) only for a maximum period of 10 minutes.
1910.1200 - Hazard Communication. - Occupational Safety and …
Any chemical substance or mixture as such terms are defined in the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.), when subject to the labeling requirements of that Act and labeling regulations issued under that Act by the Environmental Protection Agency.