The Bus Stops Here! - NJ TRANSIT
Many, but not all, of our bus stops are marked with bus stop signs that include a bus stop number, a list of the bus routes that serve the stop, and how to get information about the next buses serving that location.
Bus | New Jersey Public Transportation Corporation - NJ TRANSIT
If you are taking a bus, look for a designated NJ TRANSIT bus stop sign. Check the sign for your bus route number. Almost every bus stop has a 5-digit stop ID number to identify the exact bus location.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bus Stops & Shelters
Wait for your bus at a designated stop that has a bus stop sign or where you have been told to wait by an NJ TRANSIT representative. Be sure to check the sign for your bus route number and the destination sign on the bus before you board. Many bus …
How does the bus work : r/jerseycity - Reddit
Sep 7, 2023 · There is a stop signal that you can trigger, either using the yellow push strip or the pull cord, in order to signal the driver to stop at the next stop. Make sure you wave for the bus when you are waiting at your stop or it'll keep going. Definitely install the NJ Transit app.
Question about the NJ Transit Bus : r/newjersey - Reddit
Jul 25, 2022 · if you’re on one of the big coaches in/out of NYC, the stop-request is a red STOP button above each seat pair, between the reading-light switches. (ADA seats also have a yellow strip just below the window sill)
HELP - HAVE ANXIETY DISORDER - How to signal your stop with ... - Reddit
Aug 4, 2023 · You’ll hear a beep/ding sound that alerts the driver that a passenger wants to be let off and confirms for you that you pressed it correctly.
Select Route - NJ TRANSIT
Welcome to NJ TRANSIT MyBus Step 1 Select Feed: Find by Stop #:
Does NJ TRANSIT replace bus signs? We will check our records to determine if your local government has designated the location as a bus stop. If the location is listed as a bus stop, NJ TRANSIT will replace the sign. This will alert operators that the location is an official stop. Can you shorten the bus stop to permit parking? We will review ...
Rider Guide For Bus Customers - NJ TRANSIT
Locate the ID number on your bus stop sign, or visit our MyBus page to obtain your bus stop ID. Call 973-275-5555 to input the bus stop ID number, or text the bus stop ID number to MyBus (69287). You'll be provided with the real-time arrival of the next bus within 30 minutes or the next scheduled buses to arrive at your stop.
Providing a marked bus stop with signage, bus shelter, benches, and design compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a great safety enhancement for all roadway users.