Home - Metro Nashville Public Schools
MNPS offers neighborhood schools, optional schools and 17 National Blue Ribbon Schools.
Schools - Metro Nashville Public Schools
View a list of all the schools that make up Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.
School Options Application 2025 - Metro Nashville Public Schools
The Metro Schools optional schools application window for the 2025-2026 school year is from January 21 to February 7, 2025.
District Calendar - Metro Nashville Public Schools
Metro Nashville Public Schools Academic Calendar District events are added to MNPS.org and All School Websites. The calendar, translated into several languages, is available for download as well. 2024-2025 Calendar. Download the 2024-2025 Metro Schools Calendar; Arabic, Burmese, Kurdish, Somali, Spanish, Swahili. 2025-2026 Calendar
About - Metro Nashville Public Schools
At Metro Nashville Public Schools, we use detailed academic, behavior and social-emotional data to ensure every student in the district is known, and our staff makes a concerted effort to tune into students' interests, passions, learning styles and needs.
Experience MNPS - Metro Nashville Public Schools
Whether you are a Nashville native or thinking of moving to the city, we are excited to have you and want you to Experience MNPS. Our close community and collegiate partnerships allow us to provide top opportunities to our students from Pre-K through 12th-grade.
Find My School - Metro Nashville Public Schools
The perfect school for your student may be right around the corner! Students are automatically assigned to schools within the zone where they live. To determine your zoned school, enter your residential address into the Zone Finder. Learn more about your neighborhood school by visit the MNPS school directory to explore your zoned school's website.
School Options - Metro Nashville Public Schools
Families can choose from their zoned school, apply to a charter school, or select a school outside their neighborhood or zone through the school options process. Visit the district maps page for more schools, cluster, optional schools maps.
District Maps - Metro Nashville Public Schools
Find your school with MNPS' map options, including an interactive zone map and a school pathway map to learn which schools your student will attend as they grow.
Careers - Metro Nashville Public Schools
Support staff, educators, community builders, Nashville thrives because of you. Join us in shaping a brighter future for Nashville. Apply to join Team MNPS today!