Fibroadenoma | Hysterectomy Forum - HysterSisters Hysterectomy
A fibroadenoma contains breast and stromal (connective) tissue, but a complex fibroadneoma may also contain calcifications, macrocysts, and other components. While simple fibroadenomas do not increase your risk of breast cancer, you have a slightly increased risk for cancer if you have a complex fibroadenoma.
fibroadenoma | HysterSisters
Dec 10, 2008 · Mammo was negitive, nothing seen, but was sent for an ultrasound since it is a palpable lump. That was done today. Tech couldn't "find" it so radiologist came in and did it. he did find it and says he thinks it is a fibroadenoma. OK, fine. He will send doc report and get another mammo when I am 40 (am 36) as rest of breast looks fine.
Fibrocystic breast changes - Cancer Research UK
Treatment for fibrocystic breast changes. You might not need any treatment for fibrocystic changes. If it isn't clear what the lump is or if it is causing soreness or pain, your doctor or nurse might put a thin needle into it to drain fluid.
fibroadenoma after hysterectomy | HysterSisters
Apr 15, 2005 · fibroadenoma after hysterectomy I had a fibroid adenoma removed from my breast about 11 years ago as ultrasound and mamogram proved inconclusive as to whether it was cancer. Surgeon thought it wasn't cancer but seeing radiologist differed he removed it and his opinion of it being a fibroid adenona was right.
Referral to a breast clinic - Cancer Research UK
Seeing your GP. It can be hard for GPs to decide who may have cancer and who might have a more minor condition. For some symptoms, your doctor may ask you to wait to see if the symptoms get better or respond to treatment, such as antibiotic
Possible problems after breast conserving surgery
Possible complications after breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy) include infection, bleeding, and shoulder stiffness.
Symptoms of breast cancer - Cancer Research UK
fibroadenoma. This is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more common in women younger than 40. It is important to always get a breast lump checked by your GP. They will arrange for you to have tests to find out whether your lump is cancer or not. A lump or swelling in your armpit . You can’t usually feel the lymph glands in ...
What happens after breast surgery? | Cancer Research UK
What happens after surgery depends on the type of operation you have had. After your operation you go to the recovery room after a general anaesthetic. Find out what happens after having surgery including how you may feel, when you can go home, and your follow up appointments.
Treatment for breast cancer - Cancer Research UK
Treatment for breast cancer. Treatment for breast cancer depends on several factors. These include where your cancer is, how big it is, whether the cancer cells have certain proteins (receptors), and your general health.
Aloe | Complementary and alternative therapy - Cancer Research UK
Aloe. Aloe is a plant-based therapy that some people use to treat side effects affecting the skin. These are caused by cancer and its treatment.