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  1. Copilot Answer
    Wally is combing his hair in a new faddish style. Eddie and all the others are combing it in the same way. Ward and June thinks Wally looks ridiculous. While June wants Ward to tell him not to comb it that way, Ward, while not liking it, feels that he needs to let Wally do what he wants in this manner, while impressing on him that not all fads are worth following. While he wants Wally to comb his hair the way he used to, Ward will still try to convince him in a sly manner. But picking up on subtlety doesn't seem to work on Wally. Even June tries to take a more direct approach in talking to the school principal, Mr. Haller. In the end, Ward and June have to hope Wally will outgrown this phase. It isn't until Beaver shows them a different perspective that June takes matters into her own hands.
    Release dateMay 21, 1959 (USA)
    Running time30min
    GenreComedy · Family