Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 18, 2016 · Land battle was another story. This was R1's call to arms. And it destroyed ROTJ's land battle. I think comparing the Scarif sequence to anything else in the Franchise save for Battle of Endor would be unfair as Scarif had the same moving parts essentially as Ender. A surface battle paired with space battle and personal drama as a third layer.
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 18, 2016 · In as much as they were always going to get the plans out I would agree with you, but in terms of the wider battle it felt pretty realistic in the back and forth - the Rebels using surprise, the AT-ATs and superior weapons of the Imperials taking back the initiative and then the intervention of the X-Wings, countered in turn by Imperial fighters and so on - it always …
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 19, 2016 · What I love most about The Battle of Scarif is that it wasn't shy about going big on scale. The space battle was certainly on par with Coruscant and Endor, and I'd say the ground assault was in between Hoth and Endor.
Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif - Jedi Council Forums
Apr 29, 2017 · Insertion of an opening crawl (of course!). It will summarize the events that occur during the course of Rogue One that lead to the Scarif battle. First scene of the film is the confrontation between Krennic and Darth Vader, with some adjusted dialogue for Vader. The Rebels will still bicker over going to war, but this stuff will be trimmed.
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 22, 2016 · ^Battle of Endor rehashed? Please. Give me a break. Member since Friday, so I'm assuming you're a troll.
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 30, 2016 · The space battle was bad. The Star Destroyers didnt do anything though the whole battle, i think they were shown shooting maybe one of two times. The Shield station has turrets hitting everything and they release several squadrons at the same time. The stationary target had more fighting scenes than the war ships.
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Apr 16, 2017 · At Scarif, the ImpStar that got taken out by the Y-Wing bombing run had already lost shields earlier in the battle. As the Y-Wings finish up their run, you can see the blown-out deflector tower. Moreover, they indicated that they'd lost engine power.
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 24, 2016 · Scarif is a different beast - you feel the infrastructure of the battle more, it's a bit less about the filmmaking rhythm and more about the internal logistics. The arrival of the Death Star is a stunning, beautiful, and terrifying moment, …
Rogue One - The Battle of Scarif -- How It Compares
Dec 19, 2016 · I've always loved the ROTJ space battle because it was huge, it was epic, lasers blazing, chaotic, and when the new movies were announced I was hoping we'd get some epic space battles and Rogue One delivered on so many levels! It's probably tied #1 or a …
CT - How did Darth Vader know or figure out that the Tantive IV …
Dec 25, 2023 · Edit to add: it’s not intended to be canon, not least because it’s depicted as a video game in-universe, but in the mobile game Galaxy of heroes, the Raddus’s ultimate ability literally is that it deploys the Tantive IV and the opposing capital ship immediately jumps into hyperspace after it, stranding the fighters behind to finish the battle