During the pandemic, people have become more sensitive to the environmental impact of their shopping decisions—and companies are responding. 2.How maritime ports can advance industrial climate tech ...
Max Harris, group head of strategy and sustainability at Associated British Ports, talks about how technology is driving the energy transition at ABP, and PwC’s Shreekumar Rakshit shares his insights ...
It has become commonplace to argue that the combination of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States and the conflict in Iraq has forced business strategists to make geopolitical ...
A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Almost everyone feels the temptation to answer “10 cents” because the sum $1.10 so neatly ...
As reinvention pressure rises, the March issue of s+b explores how CEOs need to rewire their decision-making.
Strategy+business is an offering of PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Product Sales LLC and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (together, “PwC”), members of the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network of firms.
A strong car brand can create significant value in the automotive industry. The price consumers expect to pay for otherwise identical luxury vehicles can vary as much as $4,000, depending on the car’s ...
Over the last few years, companies in a wide variety of industries have created increasingly senior executive positions in supply chain management. Lucent Technologies Inc., the ChevronTexaco ...
George Bernard Shaw observed that if all the world’s economists were laid end to end, they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion. Although the line sums up a popular view of the dismal science, an ...
War is not a pathology,” says Philip Bobbitt. “War is a natural condition of the state.” In his groundbreaking book The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace and the Course of History (Alfred A. Knopf, 2002) ...
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In a 1995 speech, Hugh McColl, Jr. said, “As every school child knows, the dinosaur didn’t survive the Ice Age…. It’s not that he lacked the capacity to evolve. He just didn’t have the time. Unlike ...