President Donald Trump’s indiscriminate release of some 1,600 January 6 insurrection defendants, including those convicted of ...
Rudakubana, who was 17 at the time of the attack, entered an unexpected guilty plea for the murders of three children at a ...
Officials are asking Panhandle residents to avoid being on the roads. Freezing temperatures mean icy, dangerous conditions.
After Mount Aloysius College students in a digital media marketing class began developing plans for Johnstown’s airport last year, the benefits of the “younger perspective” quickly became apparent, ...
富邦球團22號宣布前韓職起亞虎啦啦隊李珠珢(이주은 Lee Ju-Eun)重磅加盟Fubon Angels後,隨即掀起台灣與韓國媒體爭相報導此事,韓國媒體KBS記者韓承潤也點出韓國啦啦隊接連來台發展的主因,他表示,「在韓國的啦啦隊女孩待遇不好,透過經紀公司簽合約才能到球場應援,但在台灣可直接簽給球團並獲得更高的待遇,甚至出道成為藝人。」 ...
為紓解暖暖過港地區停車問題, 基隆市政府 將已荒廢的過港路自來水員工宿舍拆除,闢建六十九席停車位的停車場,昨(廿三)日上午由副市長邱佩琳代表市長謝國樑主持啟用典禮。邱佩琳副市長感謝基隆市議會支持編列預算,期許停車場完工後改善鄰近停車問題,更進一步提升當地的生活環境,並進一步指出過港路停車場將採免收停車費方式回饋地方,減輕民眾停車壓力。