At the same time as police, firefighters, and city officials sprang into action in the predawn hours of Tuesday’s destructive thunderstorms, so did a dedicated group of volunteers: amateur radio ...
An upcoming SkyWarn training sponsored by the North Country Amateur Radio Club has been postponed until sometime next year due administrative mandates from the U.S. Department of ...
At some point this year, visitors to the Children’s Museum will have an opportunity to speak to an astronaut — while he is up beyond the exosphere, residing in the International Space Station. The ...
I’m guessing you’ll have some response to your short article about no ham radio reception at the NAB this year. And, like me, those readers might like a more in-depth article if you have the time. Yes ...
As kids, many of us wanted to become astronauts, and now some local students are getting a close encounter with people who ...
For further details, see the draft policy available for download on the Government of South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands website at: Members of the Amateur Radio community are invited to ...