With O'Brien's star on the rise after 'Saturday Night' and the upcoming 'Twinless,' look back on the role that started it all ...
The wolves were captured from and released back to three packs in Siskiyou, Lassen and Sierra counties, state wildlife ...
One of Toco's followers said that whenever someone asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, "I would say, 'I want to be a wolf ... an even more realistic transformation.
"CPW was able to reach this conclusion as no collared wolf data are present in that area." The agency added CPW has functioning GPS collars on all reintroduced wolves and two known wolves ...
An uncollared gray wolf close to the Wyoming border in Jackson County has killed a cow, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) confirmed on Saturday morning. All wolves that CPW has reintroduced in ...
CPW was able to reach this conclusion as no collared wolf data are present in that area. CPW has functioning GPS collars on all reintroduced wolves and two known wolves from a breeding pair that moved ...
According to CPW, recent wolf collar data shows that one wolf has made broad movements into the western portion of Mesa County. Another wolf traversed through a watershed including Lake ...
Over 100 people have applied to be a Range Rider. Nine are under contract and three more will be hired. CPW says wolf collar data shows one wolf has traveled into western Mesa County. Collar data ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife confirmed to the Coloradoan on Feb. 5 that the wolf's GPS collar indicated it had reached the western portion of Mesa County. Several Grand Junction media outlets ...
A released wolf wandered into far western Colorado in recent days and is reportedly close to the Utah state line, prompting questions as to the fate of the wolf should it cross into another state.