J.D. Vance's remarks about the order of love drew harsh reaction from many in the Catholic commentariat. But he was right.
When James Curenton serves Mayflower Congregational Church, he is always mindful of the Black Church tradition and Mayflower's unique Detroit history.
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church has doled out more than $3.5 million in rent support to hundreds of people who have walked ...
President Donald Trump has announced the creation of a new White House Faith Office, appointing televangelist Reverend Paula ...
Grief Share is for those who need encouragement to rebuild their lives after the death of a loved one. The group began Feb. 4 and runs Tuesdays. Divorce Care is for those facing separation or divorce; ...
St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church, Reading, is presenting a gala on Feb. 23 to raise funds for community programs and honor local leaders and organizations.
In the 2016 presidential election, 80 percent of evangelical Christians, a constituency known for family values and concern about the nation’s moral decline, supported Donald Trump. Over the ...
Gather SEMO, a 25-hour event for prayer, worship and unity, will be held Feb. 28 and March 1 at Peace Chapel in Jackson. The ...
Feb. 4, the University of Tennessee College Republicans, posted a screenshot of the University Center for Health and Wellness ...
If we close our eyes and ears, if we become complacent, we will be held to account at the Last Judgment,” Bishop Mark J.
This group meets each Monday evening at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 1040 South Grade Road S.W., Hutchinson. Child care is available, but anyone interested ...
Medley has shown people of all faiths the power of standing in solidarity with the oppressed not just from their own group or ...