In his first term, President Donald Trump's first foreign trip was to Riyadh. His first phone call to a foreign leader in his second term was to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.
Current local time in Dubai (Asia/Dubai timezone). Get information about the Asia/Dubai time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all ...
Exploring how tourism is transforming the UAE's economy, real estate, and identity. Tourism’s Tides: Shaping UAE’s future ...
While it may feel like a lowkey place these days, Khor Fakkan was fought over by several different powers in the 16th and ...
Dubai is the ultimate destination for women planning a getaway with friends. Indulge in dining experiences like royal ...
Asked whether Palestinians would be allowed to return to Gaza under his plan, US president says, ‘No, they wouldn’t.’ ...