If you want to save money, many companies will give you discounts if you pay annually rather than monthly. Sometimes, all you ...
If you’re tired of having to change your clocks twice a year there may be some hope coming from the State Capitol. So far ...
James Cook, Khalil Shakir, Christian Benford and Terrel Bernard are entering the final year of rookie contracts and are in ...
In the legislature, the GOP is sponsoring measures to require state law enforcement to cooperate with ICE, a particularly ...
Immigration enforcement proposals were signed into law Thursday by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, creating what he bills as the ...
BISMARCK ( North Dakota Monitor) – A group of public school-related bills in the North Dakota statehouse could test the ...
After months of uncertainty, the House of Representatives on Wednesday debated the four tax bills transmitted to the National ...
DeSantis called these bills "a product that reflects the values and aspirations of the voters who sent us here in the first place." ...
Under the previous bill passed by lawmakers, SB 2B, state-level immigration enforcement would have moved solely under Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson. DeSantis called that bill “weak” and said ...
A new lawsuit accuses the Trump administration of stiffing U.S. businesses of hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid bills ...
Eugene residents will likely see a new charge on their monthly bills starting in July as part of a new fire service fee. Here ...
Rep. John Fitzgerald, D-Wyoming, asked if the proposal is necessary given that in December half of the House members walked ...