The incendiary films of the late pioneer of African cinema do not merely critique power but discern the social and political ...
The transitional process will be fraught with challenges, but the Syrian people deserve a peaceful, stable and prosperous ...
Some national borders are determined by natural phenomena like seas, mountains and rivers. Most, however, are created by ...
In pursuit of exclusionary policies, Le Pen risks not just France’s economic prosperity but the very essence of its national ...
It is not in vain that Emmanuel Macron, and behind him the deep state in France, sent the right-wing minister of Moroccan ...
Per the terms of the announced deal, Russia will establish its naval base near Port Sudan with a 25-year lease.
Borders moulded by colonial powers In the years following, European powers started to reevaluate their position on Ottoman territory. The French, who still wished to take control of Syria ...
The European response to Trump is no less reactionary than the fascist president’s own policy. It is to rearm, rearm and ...
Sit back, grab a hot cup of coffee, and find out how this warming, beautiful (and necessary) drink became so popular.
The Bronze Age was a period of intensive contacts in the Levant, Egypt, Mesopotamia and southern Europe. It rapidly developed ...