When satellites vaporise, they seed the stratosphere (the region of the atmosphere between 10km and 50km above Earth’s ...
The Antarctic ozone layer is currently healing, as a result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances.
The polar vortex is a “constant feature” that begins to develop sometime in September and persists through sometime in spring ...
There is a sudden warming about to happen high up in the atmosphere. This warming usually affects the Polar Vortex.
Following SpaceX’s Starship explosion, the issue of space debris emerges as a significant environmental concern. Here’s what ...
The ozone layer is on the mend, and it's thanks to human action. A new MIT-led study confirms - with 95% confidence - that ...
A new study by researchers including those at the University of Tokyo revealed that atmospheric gravity waves play a crucial ...
A new study confirms the Antarctic ozone layer is healing as a direct result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances.
The Met Office says there is an 80 per cent chance of sudden stratospheric warming in March, which could bring severe and ...
A measure to ban geoengineering in Arizona has been amended to allow cloud seeding, which has been under study for years.
Professor Adam Scaife, Head of Long-Range Forecasting at the Met Office, said: “There is now over 80% chance of a SSW ...
SpaceX's latest Starship flight test explosion raises concerns about space junk affecting Earth's stratosphere and ozone ...