A shots-fired investigation is currently underway in Utica after a ShotSpotter alert detected gunfire on the 1500 block of ...
The City Council voted 33-14 in September to give ShotSpotter contracting authority to Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling, who favors the technology. A defiant Brandon Johnson shut down the ...
ShotSpotter is one of three tools the city ... The other technology the city received from the grant is a device designed to recover fingerprints from discharged bullet casings and a 3-D scanner ...
Police responded to a report of shots fired on Weller Avenue that was triggered by the city's gunshot detection system.
“Lack of transparency alone should have brought a rejection of the NYPD’s contract renewal with ShotSpotter. By renewing, NYPD agreed to open our pocketbooks once again with little in return, ...
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — Officers with the Greenville Police Department arrived to a shooting in less than three minutes Monday, thanks to ShotSpotter technology. ShotSpotter was implemented in ...
On Tuesday, the Little Rock Board of Directors voted to undo a February vote in which they declined to renew a contract with ...
Cleveland police received a ShotSpotter notification about 1:30 p.m. ShotSpotter is technology that detects gun sounds and alerts local law enforcement. If you purchase a product or register for ...
The ShotSpotter system will be integrated with Niterói’s Integrated Public Security Center (CISP), a sophisticated security infrastructure that includes 120 fencing cameras, 522 monitoring devices, ...