Maybe he should have zig-zagged. Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Sam Tarly (John Bradley West) are the two most-liked Night's Watch brothers. You shouldn't be surprised to see Janos Slynt (Dominic ...
It would explain with Sam’s family are so awful to him and why he was sent to join the Night’s Watch alongside Jon. He is not a true Tarly and therefore they don’t want anything to do with him.
After a long journey, Samwell Tarly finally made it from Castle Black ... only a few minutes in three different episodes, Sam's journey is one of the most exciting and fulfilling plotlines in ...
Although Sam came to Oldtown to become a maester, his other goal is to find out as much as he can about White Walkers, wights, and the weapons that could destroy them. But not only do most of the ...
The dialogue we’re talking about is the conversation between Samwell Tarly and Dany, with sweet Ser Jorah Mormont watching on. Dany’s devoted knight brought his queen to meet Sam, the man who ...
The latest stories and updates on the Game of Thrones star The 32-year-old actor is a world away from Sam Tarly in his appearance in Sky’s new drama Urban Myths: Les Dawson’s Parisienne Adventure.