A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the ...
A former media chief from Syria have pretty recently revealed shocking details that how Syrian President Bashar al-Assad escaped the country in a panic stricken desperation following which he fled to ...
Russia fears for its military bases in Syria after dictator Bashar al-Assad was ousted. Libya's proximity to Russia's Africa Corps deployments could make the north African state a hub for military ...
Since former Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s government fell to rebels last month, forcing him to flee to the safety of Moscow, Russia, rumors have emerged that he has been poisoned.
Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad were allegedly communicating before rebels took over the Syrian government in December.
Assad’s trove of luxury vehicles worth millions of dollars in the fallen dictator’s Presidential Palace in Damascus. The high ...
For over a decade, the former Syrian regime’s brutality turned people into numbers and buried them in mass graves. Now, ...
Analysts say the return suggests that Moscow is preparing to evacuate one of its most valuable overseas bases.
Syria’s former media chief and top aide to Bashar al-Assad said that Russian President Vladimir Putin may have “tricked” the ...
Ukraine's resistance, bolstered by US support, weakens Russia's military, contributing to the fall of the al-Assad regime, Zelenskyy's advisor argues. #EuropeNews ...
Assad's regime, Russia lost a key all in the Middle East - but it still hopes to keeps its military bases in Syria.
Behrouz Esbati said he partially blamed Russia for the fall of Assad's government, in a rare break from Iran's official line ...