The old world is dying, and the new one is struggling to be born. Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Marxist philosopher and political theorist, famously wrote in his Prison Notebooks, “The old world is ...
To build a common vision for our collective good, we need to be willing to hear differences of opinion and have conversations that rise above political and party affiliations.
Brazil's former president Jair Bolsonaro, who is accused of backing an attempted coup, told a demonstration in Rio de Janeiro ...
The Trump administration’s barely disguised contempt for traditional systems of global governance has prompted observers to suggest that the lip service paid to a rules-based order may be over and the ...
People gather on the occasion of a Pro-Europe demonstration asking for more cohesion in the EU on the wake of the recent ...
Supporters of the Trump-era Christian Nationalist movement often emphasize their sense of a moral duty to restore America to ...
The Great Ambition' biopic of Italy's late Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinguer has been sold widely by Fandango Sales.
A new report by United Nations experts says Israel has carried out “genocidal acts” against Palestinians in Gaza, including the destruction of women’s healthcare facilities, intended to prevent births ...
I have long admired American preachers and writers in whose work faith played a central role, from Unitarians like Ralph ...