It's the latest in a string of proposals that have elicited mixed public reactions and drawn opposition from the restaurant ...
Now, the environmental commission is working on an amendment to require single use foodware be compostable or reusable. Even ...
In a society where waste is so pervasive, the current ingestion of microplastics should be treated as a health crisis ...
When US President Donald Trump vowed to end the "ridiculous situation" of paper straws with an executive order recently, he noted that he had used "them many times, and on occasion, they break, they ...
Spring means outdoor festivals, concert, and sports events. Here's how you can bring those recycling habits you practice at home with you.
The administration undermines efforts to reduce plastics. But plastic never will be disposable, and neither are the people it ...
Californians clearly support limits on plastics. In 2016, voters rejected Proposition 67, an industry-backed referendum that ...
The Oregon Senate advanced a bill Tuesday that would expand the state’s plastic bag ban to cover restaurant takeout bags and thicker plastic bags.
Oregon lawmakers looking to stop plastic litter are trying to ban plastic utensils, condiment packaging and hotel-issued ...
As convenient as they may be, plastic shopping bags are very destructive to the environment and Georgia is looking to solve the problem.
Widespread confusion about the recycling requirements means that many sustainably minded people toss items in the ...
These straws are not recyclable because they are so small. They take at least 200 years to decompose. President Trump has resurrected the ghost of climate scepticism. In a way, it was fortuitous ...