These pretty plants loved by bees are an excellent addition to any garden, but taking good care of them is key.
it’s important to ensure our outdoor spaces look their best. Although a lavender plant is easy to take care of, it still involves knowing how to prune it the right way. According to gardening ...
Lavender can last for about 10 to 15 years and will naturally become more woody as the plant matures. However, the rate at which this happens will increase if you don’t take the time to prune it ...
Spanish lavender (Lavendula stoechas) is a species of lavender that grows as a low shrub with a distinct flower shape. It is known for its upright petals that appear at the top of ...
Lavender's vibrant colour and soothing scent makes it a stunning plant to have in any garden, but if you want to see it thrive then these natural hacks can work wonders ...
Lightly shearing over aubrieta, lavender and alyssum after flowering combines deadheading with light pruning. It will prevent leggy growth, keep plants compact and produce an abundance of flowers ...