Ukrainian paratroopers in Kursk said they captured a North Korean soldier who tried so hard to evade capture that he intentionally ran into a concrete pillar to knock himself out. Three members of ...
Though each committed couple has a unique definition of what counting on the other means, they rarely achieve success unless the five following pillars of trust are part of that commitment.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recognized these challenges and, through its Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative, introduced the Two-Pillar framework.
OTHELLO — The owners of Pillar Fitness, the first business in a long-vacant building on Othello’s Main Street, cut the ribbon Friday and immediately got to work. “We’ll be open today ...
Rezultatīvākais siguldiešiem ar 31 gūtu punktu bija Artūrs Guļāns, bet 23 punktus sakrāja Kristaps Vanags. "Limbažu" trešās sezonas uzvaras kaldināšanā ar "double-double" rādītājiem izcēlās Oto ...
Rewriting the international tax framework to introduce a Global Minimum Tax (also known as Pillar Two) was always going to be a battle against the odds. However, despite various obstacles and ...
Given this foundation, the adoption of the global minimum tax under Pillar 2 comes as no surprise. It aligns seamlessly with the UAE’s deliberate strategy of making incremental yet impactful ...
panākumu šīs sezonas Nacionālās līgas turnīrā. Siguldiešiem ar 27 punktiem rezultatīvākais bija Artūrs Guļāns, bet pie 21 punkta tika Uvis Vārna. RSU vienībai nebija vajadzīgs neviens tik rezultatīvas ...
Mūsu pieeju un augstos standartus šajā segmentā jau novērtējuši arī nozares profesionāļi”, atzīmē Pillar Capital, AS Attīstības direktors Pēteris Guļāns. Jaunā daudzdzīvokļu ēka atbilst augstākās A+ ...
Skates Gada labākā būve Latvijā 2024 rīkotāji sadarbībā ar skates titulsponsoru Ceresit aicina iesniegt pieteikumus pērn ekspluatācijā nodoto objektu skatei, lai noskaidrotu 2024.gada labākās būves, ...