Be careful if you sell online. The IRS may know a lot more about your side hustle this tax season. And it is cracking down on those who fail to report the added income.
You should see this tax form if you were paid more than $5,000 in freelance income via third-party payment apps last year.
You could receive Form 1099-K for business payments from Venmo or PayPal this season. Here’s what taxpayers need to know.
Businesses must meet the February 18, 2025 deadline to furnish recipient copies of Forms 1099-B, 1099-S, and 1099-MISC (Boxes 8 and 10) ROCK ...
G tax forms are now available for claimants who received unemployment insurance (UI) benefits in 2024, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today. Claimants who collected UI ...
: New 1099-G tax forms were sent to an estimated 6,000 Marylanders who received someone else’s form earlier in the month, according to the comptroller of Maryland. Original story: The state is blaming ...
Approximately 6,000 Marylanders received incorrect 1099-G tax forms due to an internal printer malfunction, according to the ...
Have you received a 1099 tax form that you don’t understand? Our guide describes the basics of the nearly two dozen different ...
Here's when the last day to file taxes is, what documents you'll need, new forms for the 2024-25 tax season and how to track ...
Getting a head start on your tax return will hasten your refund if you're getting one. Filing early is also a way to guard against tax-refund fraud, which occurs when a scammer gains access to your ...
If you are selling items online as a small business owner, you may end up having to pay taxes on the amount you earn. But ...
The Maryland Comptroller is promising changes at her agency after a printing malfunction led to thousands of taxpayers' ...