Several possibilities for how a steroid hormone could interact with membrane receptors to generate second messengers linked to variety of signal-transduction systems are discussed. A ...
Northwestern University researchers have identified structural features in engineered cell receptors that correlate with ...
For example, membrane receptors bind and respond to specific molecules outside the cell, such as hormones, neurotransmitters, the extracellular matrix, and attachment molecules on other cells.
One group of proteins working in such specialized environments are the membrane receptors, which act like biological "antennas," sensing signals from the environment and triggering cellular responses.
Alterations in thyroid gland function result from the action of stimulating or blocking autoantibodies on cell membrane receptors. Three principal thyroid autoantigens are involved in AITD.
In a paper published in Science Bulletin, Chinese scientists have discovered that a PRA (prenylated Rab acceptor) protein, ...