A truck driver lost control of a tanker truck carrying liquid manure on Tuesday, damaging a car and a yard, according to Pomfret Fire Department Chief Brett Sheldon. The fire department was called ...
The uses of livestock confinement systems and large capacity, on-farm, liquid manure storage facilities have become well-established practices throughout Indiana. The primary advantages of liquid ...
Effects of Swine Manure Applications on Soil Nutrient Levels and Phosphorus (AG-BU-08424) is a recently published bulletin that can be obtained from the University of Minnesota Extension that ...
Each fall after harvest, farmers pump millions of gallons of liquid dairy, beef and hog manure from storage basins and inject them into the soil as fertilizer for next year’s crop. When land ...
The surest way to prevent nitrogen loss as ammonia gas and nitrogen-laden runoff is to inject liquid manure below the surface ...
Many Indiana dairy operations generate large volumes of manure. For example, 100 dairy cows produce over 6,000 cubic feet of liquid manure a month, which is over half a million gallons a year. Dairy ...
“For a while it has been that the way that large CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) are able to get rid of some of their liquid manure is by working with somebody else who is going ...
Review these technical guidelines for assistance to meet permit and closure requirements at confined feeding operations.