Reader’s Digest wants to know “who is America’s Favorite Teacher?” The answer may be Wilmington resident Jacqueline Duffy.
Language educators at all levels are invited to attend this year's 17th annual English as a Second Language Symposium on Feb. 22 in the Graduate Education Building. Register online.
A range of English learner programs and funding sources are under threat if Trump dismantles the Department of Education.
Twice a week, the English Language Institute at Missouri State hosts a program called Conversation Circles where all are ...
It’s not unusual for a city to double for another metropolis in movies. New Yorkers have long been able to spot when Toronto ...
Karen, who is about to turn 18, also remembers the positive influence of her tutor. Miu Kikuchi was a high school student.
Despite some pushback, a Utah representative is defending HB42, which would allocate extra funds for English-language ...
Educators believe the number of students who speak multiple languages is a positive, but they need more support.
ETHS sees a surge in students needing English support, but school efforts show promising results with higher proficiency ...
D ays after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Ginny and her colleagues at a high school in North Carolina welcomed two ...
Sign up for an Admission Counseling Session with a member of the Admissions Team, email or call 1+ ...
To play this video you need to enable JavaScript. President Donald Trump has started his second term as president with lots of executive orders about what he wants to do. Executive orders are ...