Autonomous vehicles rely on photonics-powered LiDAR (light detection and ranging) systems. Is this technology essential for a ...
Traditional methods of understanding public sentiment in cities such as surveys and interviews often lack scale, timeliness, ...
This step was included in the government's long-term strategy to increase food security with the help of dairy products.
A geology professor believed that aerial photos from the 1950s show evidence of an ancient city under Nakhon Ratchasima in ...
A bout 700 feet from Zambezi National Park and less than a 10-minute drive to Mosi-oa-Tunya, a.k.a. Victoria Falls, one of ...
Minecraft maps are vital for exploration, aiding navigation and marking significant locations. Learn how to craft, use, and ...
The heat mapping of metros like Reno, Nevada, could be key to taming urban heat, saving lives and designing for a cooler future ...
Despite the buzz surrounding smart cities in urban-policy circles, studies are lacking on the evidence for what works, what ...
BMKG's early weather warning: moderate to heavy rainfall was recorded in South Tangerang, Depok, and parts of Bogor and ...
The BMKG predicts that most parts of West Java have the potential for heavy rain from March 10th to 16th, 2025.
Artificial intelligence has made trip planning and research much easier and faster, but drill down and double-check ...
Located on 1,437 acres of wooded and prairie land, the popular state park is a National Historic Landmark. It includes the ...