Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Quiztopia is an upcoming Japanese Netflix Original drama series directed by Teruyuki Yoshida (The 13 Lords of the Shogun) and ...
Most of Yamada’s work — including her latest, The Colors Within, currently in select U.S. theaters — is slice-of-life, a popular anime genre that focuses on the mundane. She has a deep interest in ...
Many anime kill fan-favorite characters, but To Your Eternity takes it further with the saddest deaths. Here are the top 6 ...
Happy Science, a religious organization known for controversial and wildly problematic viewpoints, is promoting a new anime ...
Hayao Miyazaki’s explains how Princess Mononoke remains a cinematic masterpiece, intertwining ecological themes with Japan’s ...
Explore the 10 most awaited anime series of 2025. With unique stories and stunning animations, these releases are sure to ...
These anime explore different themes involving medicine to enrich their storylines while giving viewers a unique viewing ...
Japonico is the brainchild of Bawri and VietNom-fame restaurateur Sahil Sambhi.
As a result, pop culture is habitually paying lip service rather than helping the actual cause. Lack of knowledge on the part ...
NAGOYA (Kyodo) -- A theme park in central Japan devoted to the world portrayed in Studio Ghibli's animation movies such as ...
Naruto and Burger King France have teamed up for a new collaboration celebrating the anime’s 20th anniversary.