The evolving global economic landscape, particularly the rise of China, underscores the need for continued strategic ...
The dairy industry takes more of your money by erecting barriers to competition. Got rent-seeking?
There is always the choice between the market principle and the hegemonic principle. There is no third way or middle ground ...
Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds says there is no need for tariffs because the US has no goods trade deficit with the UK. With the threat of a trade war looming, China's first vice premier ...
There is a burgeoning body of literature that takes a GVC perspective to understand the changing reality of globalization and its profound economic and political ... measures to describe the structure ...
The School of Economics introduced the annual Perraton lecture to honour our colleague – Dr Jonathan Perraton. This year we are joined by Professor Dame Diane Coyle. The five areas in Great Britain ...
Despite falling inflation, improving labour market conditions, and monetary easing, global growth is projected to remain below the pace seen before the pandemic, and the world economy continues to ...
An important factor that distinguishes the two groups is their economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s. Countries with “lowest low” fertility rates today experienced rapid growth in GNP per capita ...
As the trade war gains momentum with Donald Trump’s arrival in the White House, economic planners in Beijing will thus be casting their eyes around for new destinations for their manufactures. India’s ...
Investopedia / Michela Buttignol The aim of applied economics is to inform economic decisions and predict possible outcomes. Applied economics relates the conclusions drawn from economic theories ...
Credit: Facebook / Emomali Rahmon In their quest for economic growth and energy security, China and India share the interest of reliable, seamless connectivity with Central Asia. To pursue this ...