QUIETLY CAPTURES PESTS: Catchmaster's SilenTrap Electric Flying Insect Trap quietly captures common flying pests on a glue board within the unit, eliminating the annoying buzz and unhygienic mess ...
If you want to skip the DIY approach, you can buy pre-made fruit fly traps, too, including the GH Seal-backed Zevo Flying Insect Trap, which was vetted for performance and effectiveness by our on ...
you can use standing water to your advantage to easily create a trap for these grating insects. The best thing about this trick is that all you need are things you probably already have ...
What is a pitfall trap? A pitfall trap is a simple device used to catch small animals - particularly insects and other invertebrates - that spend most of their time on the ground. In its most basic ...
They are tempted by bait, placed in the little round dish in the middle, but when the insects crawl over the tilting flaps, they fall inside, unable to escape.
Read on to find out how to create your own light trap. Light trapping is a great way to learn more about the wildlife living in your local area. It's easily repeatable and harmless to the insects ...