Winter fishing on our frozen waterways continues to be a fun challenge, much like 20, 30 and 40 years ago. The cold was more ...
Researchers have designed an alternative, autonomous observational method to monitor the Arctic's melting ice, which holds promise for improving the autonomy of marine vehicles, aiding in maritime ...
It will use changes in the degree of red coloration detected by satellites to track its quarry: a tiny shrimp smaller than ...
Eight feet of ice, freezing temps, and 40-pound sheefish make for an arctic adventure. Here's what it's like ice fishing for ...
Some of my most distinct memories as a child were out on the ice with my dad, standing on a frozen lake, bundled up in my warmest gear and daydreaming about the world of possibilities under my feet.
A new program pairs ice fishing anglers on the Great Lakes with researchers who need to know how thick the ice is, despite funding chaos.