Students in their 3 or 4th year who have not passed their comprehensive exam pass their comprehensive exam are only required to take two courses. Upon passing their exam, they are only required to ...
To successfully pass the CFP exam ... you have to study for our comprehensive exam," Loper says. The CFP exam is written with an emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking as opposed ...
After you have completed courses and practica in the health care ethics P.h.D. program, you must pass the comprehensive examinations with an examination board comprised of Saint Louis University ...
Before admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree, students must pass a comprehensive examination. The exam is subject to the basic requirements of the Graduate School but also the specific ...
All IDPhD students at Dalhousie are required to take and pass one-to-three comprehensive examinations (written and oral). The exact number of these exams is determined by your supervisory committee, ...
The Comprehensive Exam tests knowledge of graduate-level mathematics. The purpose is to ensure that each student has the necessary knowledge to conduct research in his or her area of concentration.
The graduate comprehensive exam is usually given twice a year: at the end of summer session II, and at the end of the fall semester. For more information, please contact the Graduate Coordinator, ...