All you need is a bouquet of $10 flowers, a paper bag, scissors, tape, and a ribbon. Here’s what happened when I tried it.
All the winners of the Engine of the Year award - does your car have one?
While it's easy to assume surface-level enjoyment from fostering plants, the truth is that my status as a "plant person" has ...
The annual day to celebrate love is just around the corner, and giving gifts to those nearest and dearest to us is one of the ...
Kitchens are dominated by hard, cold, and flat surfaces. Here's how you can add texture to your kitchen to create a warm, ...
Passion flowers have long been popular plants grown in front and backyards, but did you know you can also grow them indoors?
A program through the State of Minnesota allows people to get money to plant gardens that are good for pollinators.
He finds that houseplants can make or break a space. "When styled well, they add life, texture, and serious design ...
Are you ready to take your indoor plant obsession to the next level—literally? Choosing the right plant stand can make your ...