Spring is a very busy time for area farmers as they prepare for the upcoming planting season. So, Monday, WTWO/WAWV visited ...
Here are 5 retrofit components that can refresh your planter. Plus a short planter maintenance checklist to go over before you head to the first field.
Operated with the left hand from the seat’s armrest, ErgoSteer allows comfortable and efficient tractor control with minimal movement from the driver. Compatible with all FendtONE Profi+ wheel ...
Most Midwestern farmers rotate their crops, usually alternating between corn and soybeans, a practice that is good for the soil and helps keep weeds and insects from getting out of hand. Mr. Childs ..
He modernized agriculture when he invented mechanical corn and cotton planters in the 1830s. His inventions made farming significantly more efficient. (Courtesy photo) With his inventions of the ...
Ethanol Some traders have pointed out that ethanol production is higher than USDA estimates, and corn grind may be increased in future reports. If true, this would be supportive of current market ...
On the other hand, there is a bearish theory by a few market participants that this year’s drier corn is producing slightly more ethanol per bushel than corn with a higher moisture content in ...
“Corn producers already have the supply on hand to meet this new demand for corn,” said Tyler Drewes, president of the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association. “We have remained dedicated to our efforts ...
In this study, a hand-held Raman spectrometer was used with a spectral peak decomposition algorithm to determine the oil contents of corn seeds. Mature and waxy Zhengdan 958 corn seeds and mature ...
As corn planters are finally starting to roll in the Midwest, planning for the finished product can never start too early. Corn silage is the most commonly used forage in dairy rations and the ...