Grizzlies on the loose! In this clip, watch grizzly bears running all over the place in Alaska's Grand Teton National Park!
When outfitters from Alaska attended the DSC Convention and Sporting Expo in Atlanta in mid-January on their way to the ...
It spans from the earliest days of grizzly bear biology in the United States (a field pioneered by the famous Craighead ...
The grizzly bear is so named because its hair is ... Grizzlies scavenge and hunt; they even dig to pursue subterranean mammals. For grizzlies in Canada and Alaska, salmon is an important food source.
Native to North America, grizzly bears (also known as brown bears) live in nearly all areas of Alaska. In fact, the state is home to more than 98% of the world’s brown bear population!
In one chapter, I join a bear hunt on Kodiak Island, Alaska to learn how sportsmen can be important tools in conservation. Personally, I’d never shoot a grizzly bear so this chapter was ...