Si por algo destacan las peleas en la franquicia de Dragon Ball es por ser emocionante, frenéticos, brutales, vistosos y con ...
This is how the SSJ2 and SSJ3 transformations made their mark on the franchise. However, if we are to talk about the most unique and controversial form in the franchise, it is definitely the non-canon ...
Quedan tan solo unos pocos días para el final del anime de Dragon Ball Daima, por lo que esta franquicia ha decidido promocionar el episodio #20 con un teaser recopilatorio de las aventuras de Goku y ...
Además, dio mucho de qué hablar por mostrar oficialmente las nuevas transformaciones de Goku y Vegeta ... que el guerrero puede transformarse en SSJ, SSJ2 y SSJ3. Además, el modder se encargó ...
Dragon Ball fans are left in awe by Goku's Super Saiyan 4 in Daima (Image via Toei Animation). Dragon Ball Daima episode 19 marked a pivotal moment for the franchise, as audiences witnessed adult ...
Y es que después de una larga espera, los protagonistas ha vuelto a su estado adulto con Goku y Vegeta haciendo gala de sus últimas y poderosas transformaciones. En el caso del príncipe de los saiyans ...
From the time Goku first became a Super Saiyan in the Namek Saga to the arrival of the sagas such as Kaioken Form and, more recently, God Form and Ultra Instinct, each of the forms has contributed ...
Mimicking the reveal of Super Saiyan 3, the adult Goku wields the power in his fight against Gomah which is one that is sure to shake the Demon Realm to its core. Looking to separate the new Demon ...
In the previous episode, a last-minute assist from the elderly Namekian Neva allowed Goku to canonically achieve the transformation dubbed “Super Saiyan 4” in Dragon Ball GT. Now, thanks to ...