Un ouvrage vient de paraître, dédié aux seconds rôles dans la filmographie de François Truffaut. Plusieurs Thiernois y ...
Le cinéma François-Truffaut propose le 5e  volet du film des Tuche, God save the Tuche , qui sera projeté durant ce mois de ...
L’anniversaire de François Truffaut appelle à se remémorer sa filmographie, particulièrement marquée par les aventures ...
Gordon moved to Santa Cruz in 1977 as his father, Richard Gordon, became a professor of politics at UC Santa Cruz. The family ...
The Oscar-winning classic hated by the chairman of its own studio was 'Bonnie and Clyde,' which WB's Jack Warner dubbed a ...
Some of the best times of my life’ were spent in the Department of Communication Studies, recalls award-winning film director ...
In a way, it was fitting that the last movie Roger Ebert ever reviewed found the legendary critic reflecting on the melancholy side of cinema.
It’s not easy to bring off such a psychologically complex story, and the director uses some interesting visual elements, ...
L’association cinématographique salisienne François-Truffaut, qui gère depuis 2023 le cinéma Le Saleys, a organisé, mardi 28 ...
Certains projets de films chez de grands réalisateurs n'ont malheureusement jamais pu être menés à leurs termes. Parmi ...
As a master chronicler of the human condition and the small pleasures of life, the filmmaker will will no doubt find ...