Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco recently teamed up to create a new album called 'I Said I Love You First." Find out where to pre-order the exclusive vinyl.
In the early days of Cyberpunk 2077, I despised the vehicle mechanics. Anytime spent driving in and around Night City felt ...
Saying "I love you" is a powerful expression, but it's not always enough to fully express how deeply you feel about the ...
Guided by a psychologist and tech expert, couples who face an early end to life spend their final months to create a digital ...
Thanks to collaborations with her fiancée Benny Blanco, Gomez’s next full length project is on the way. Today (February 19), ...
The song reflects Selena’s deep love for Benny and her fear of losing him. The heartfelt lyrics read: “When I was young, I ...