Officers reported using force far more often during traffic stops last year — even as scrutiny grew following the fatal ...
The Aurora Police Department released audio and video footage from an incident where a 19-year-old man was shot and killed by ...
Multiple crashes were seen Tuesday night in Berks County, including a deadly collision in Ruscombmanor Township and ...
Three people have been killed in separate crashes in Prince George’s County, Maryland, recently, after drivers took off, when ...
A crash, which claimed the life of that mother, is the third such incident in Prince George’s County in less than a month.
Patricia Riddick, 34 was killed and two others, including a child, were hospitalized after a driver attempted to flee police during a traffic stop in Landover.
That’s happened as a result of the use of force by cops, an investigation by the Chicago Sun-Times and the Investigative ...
Aurora officials provided an update on a fatal officer-involved shooting that took place early Wednesday morning.
Officers said they had been trying to pull over a car at an intersection when the driver tried to flee but ended up crashing into another car.
Officers rendered medical aid to Sanchez until the arrival of Los Angeles Fire Department personnel, who after assuming care, ...
The Aurora Police Department released audio and video footage from an incident where a 19-year-old man was shot and killed by police after he allegedly injured an officer while fleeing from a ...