The Ephod, with the stones engraved with the names of Israel and the gold chains from the shoulders to his breastplate were to keep his body in position to perform at the highest level possible.
At the time of writing, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord has since left early access, but there are a few rough spots to iron, cracks to smooth out, and breastplate stretchers to fetch. Even at this ...
“And you shall make a breastplate of judgment” (Exodus 28:15). The ephod of the High Priest atones for idol worship, as it is written: “And without ephod or teraphim.” (Hosea 3:4), [This ...
The English singer, 36, stunned in a silver moulded breastplate top that flashed a glimpse of her toned abs. She teamed the unique top with a pair of black and silver pinstripe trousers and ...
St. Patrick's Breastplate is a Christian hymn whose original old Irish lyrics were traditionally attributed to Saint Patrick and his Irish ministry in the 5th century. It is written in the style ...
Let’s not forget that custom Loewe jumpsuit and breastplate she wore while performing at the Super Bowl in 2023. Oh, and don’t even get us started on her maternity looks. When it comes down to ...
Let’s not forget that custom Loewe jumpsuit and breastplate she wore while performing at the Super Bowl in 2023. Oh, and don’t even get me started on her maternity looks. When it comes down to it, ...