The latest rolling delivery bot may not have arms to unload the goods, or articulating legs to tackle challenging obstacles, ...
Pakistan on Friday formally approved buying 1.1% shares of non-Western New Development Bank (NDB) for $582 million in a move that will help the nation in the longer run to reduce reliance on the ...
A man was killed while trying to help drivers who had slid off the freeway following the crash on westbound I-90 near the Evergreen interchange.   More details can be found here.  Update on Feb. 14 at ...
On the evening of February 10, a routine transfer of remandees from Maralal GK prison to Baragoi mobile court was jolted by an ambush that led to the killing of a policeman and the escape of eight ...
Drawing from experiences in California, the European Union, and the United States, this brief examines how SSRs can be ...
This paper analyzes hybrid electric vehicle technology and potential CO2 emission reductions, the historic and future costs ...
Mobility is deploying autonomous vehicles differently than its peers. Rather than operate robotaxis for individual ride-hail, ...
In 2022, lawmakers set a goal to transition half of CT's cars and light-duty trucks to battery-electric engines. Progress has ...
While heavy-duty electric trucks already contribute to the Highway Trust Fund, electric cars do not. A new bill would ensure ...
SkyDrive has long taken a leadership role in Japan's nascent eVTOL industry with sights on eventually making its flying cars ...
Integrating electric vehicles (EVs) into the electricity and carbon markets presents a promising pathway toward sustainable transportation futures. This article proposes a comprehensive framework that ...