Barcelona No fa ni quatre mesos que es va estrenar el primer tram de la nova ronda de Sant Antoni i ja cal reparar-lo. En el ...
Several factors are contributing to the increased spending, including pharmacy costs and higher-than-expected enrollment from ...
Madrid Que la reducció de la jornada laboral a 37,5 hores setmanes que planteja el govern espanyol no agrada a les patronals catalanes no és cap novetat. Potser per això no es cansen de recordar la se ...
La irrupció de l'aparell als voltants de l'aeròdrom es va produir cap a les 13.00 hores i va obligar a paralitzar les operacions durant 15 minuts. Quatre vols van ser desviats a altres instal·lacions ...
(CNN) — Mexican authorities say they have arrested Francisco Javier Román-Bardales, an alleged leader of the MS-13 gang who ...
CNN By Alli Rosenbloom, CNN and Cecilia Domínguez, CNN en Español (CNN) — Rogelio “Roger” Nores, a close friend of Liam Payne ...
By Ana María Cañizares, CNN en Español, and Michael Rios, CNN (CNN) — Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa has announced a “strategic alliance” to ...
With his hands and feet handcuffed, tied leg to leg with other detainees, José Daniel Simancas Rodríguez was put on a plane.
The Public Utility Law was passed on March 8, 2023. Since then, 133 women have been released as of February 28, 2025, according to data from the Ministry of Justice of Colombia. Between 2,000 and ...
By Ana Maria Canizares, Mauricio Torres, Ivonne Valdés, CNNE and Max Saltman, CNN (CNN) — Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa has granted preemptive pardons for police and military personnel responding ...
By Max Saltman, Jennifer Hauser, CNN and Sebastian Jimenez, CNNE (CNN) — Mexico has extradited 29 alleged criminals to the United States, among them the so-called “narco of narcos” Rafael Caro ...
Linda McMahon listens to a speaker from the presidential box at the Republican National Committee convention on July 17, 2024. Credit: Shahrzad Rasekh / CT Mirror Esta historia es parte de CT ...