Roughly 4.6 billion years ago, the Sun was born from the gas and dust of a nebula that underwent gravitational collapse. The ...
Scientists have long debated why Earth and Mars lack certain essential elements. A new study reveals that these missing ...
For years, scientists have been puzzled about why Earth and Mars have fewer important elements like copper and zinc compared ...
The asteroid Bennu has provided groundbreaking insights into the chemistry that may have set the stage for life in the early ...
New research reveals that Earth and Mars lost essential elements due to violent cosmic collisions, not early planetary formation processes ...
Understanding where Earth's essential elements came from—and why some are missing—has long puzzled scientists. Now, a new ...
We live in a golden age for space exploration. Scientists are gathering massive amounts of new information and scientific ...
Earth received water toward the final stages of its formation. This reshapes understanding of the conditions needed for life.
Water, one of the essential ingredients for life on Earth, did not appear on the planet until after the moon-forming event, a new study claims ...
The finding, reported in the science journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, is significant because the data reported by the ...
When NASA launched a spacecraft to an asteroid, scientists patiently waited for their chance to look at bits of the space ...