Study conducted at Fundação Alfredo da Matta (FUAM) - Manaus (AM), Brazil. Financial support: None. Teaching and Research Sector - Fundação Alfredo da Matta (FUAM) - Manaus (AM), Brazil.Fundação ...
A UNIQUE feature of military medicine is the opportunity it provides for periodic physical examination of young adults. These examinations offer an unparalleled situation for the diagnosis of ...
Early signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, stiffness, swelling, and pain in the hands and wrists. Spotting signs of RA early on could lead to an early ...
Background: The formation of hepatic hemangiomas (HH) is associated with VEGF and IL-7 that alter conduit arteries and small arterioles. To our knowledge, there are no studies to investigate the ...