Ethiopia, for its part, has defended its right to utilize the Blue Nile, pointing out that ... Egypt’s historical rights to the Nile River make this unresolved diplomatic standoff over water ...
A view of the Blue Nile River canyon, the natural boundary between Ethiopia's Oromia and Amhara regions. (Yonas Tadesse for The Washington Post) Max Bearak is The Washington Post's Nairobi bureau ...
The GERD project, located on the Blue Nile River, began in 2011 with the ambitious goal of boosting Ethiopia's energy production and fostering economic growth. The $4.6 billion project is central ...
The lack of international financing for projects on the Blue Nile River has persistently been attributed to Egypt's campaign to keep control of Nile water sharing. Ethiopia has been forced to ...
President Taye Atskesilassie of Ethiopia ... the Nile Basin countries should remain resolute in their commitment to cooperation and to work towards establishing a permanent Nile River organisation.
Prof Julien Harou, Chair of Water Engineering at The University of Manchester and corresponding author of the study At the heart of the dispute lies the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) - a ...
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Gerd) was built on the Blue Nile and ... usage taken from the Nile River being the main concern. Egypt’s foreign ministry said: "Ethiopia's unilateral ...