Salvador Saucedo escaped while undergoing tests at the Bellville Hospital on Jan. 23. He was added to the Texas top 10 most wanted sex offender list last week. RELATED: Escaped inmate added to ...
WALLER COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Salvador Saucedo, who was added to Texas' 10 Most Wanted Sex Offenders List last week, has died, according to officials. According to the Waller County Sheriff's ...
Salvador Saucedo, who had been on the run for nearly a month after escaping custody, was pronounced dead after authorities discovered him with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. As reported by KHOU ...
Jurors in Waco’s 54th State District Court deliberated about two hours before deciding Daniel Saucedo’s punishment in an August 2023 incident in which Valeria Martinez was almost killed while ...
Salvador Saucedo, who was added to Texas' 10 Most Wanted Sex Offenders List last week, was located at a house in Richards, Texas, in eastern Grimes County early Tuesday morning. Waller County ...
In a scene that led to lockdowns at Richards ISD campuses, law enforcement located Salvador Saucedo Jr., at a burning home that is believed to be his girlfriend’s in the 5200 block of Trinity ...
He had shot himself, according to the sheriff's office. Salvador Saucedo escaped while undergoing tests at the Bellville Hospital on Jan. 23. He was added to the Texas top 10 most wanted sex ...
Salvador Saucedo, 37, was in the custody of the Waller County Sheriff's Office and escaped while at Bellville Hospital on Jan. 23. He was found Tuesday by law enforcement officials at what is ...
Two men have been added to Texas's 10 Most Wanted Lists. Brandon Hartfield, 37, of San Antonio, and Salvador Saucedo Jr, 37, of Bryan, are both wanted for crimes against children. AUSTIN ...